If you not like where you are move forward you are not a tree | @Chetanbro Quotes :- 13 - Chetanbro

If you not like where you are move forward you are not a tree | @Chetanbro Quotes :- 13

Just Move Forward!

By :- @i_amChetanpaswan


A warm welcome to all of you in this super fresh blog. Thank you for reading this. Sit tightly for 15 minutes and learn something new stuff. 

Say thank you to God, for this beautiful and Charming Monday. Today Quotes is, 
"If you don't like where you are, 
Move you are not a tree." 

Above lines, contains a lot of meaning in itself but don't worry I am here to explain you in much possible simpler way so you can use it in your daily lifestyle. 

The meaning is simple, Are you happy with the condition of your life? Think 🤔, if answer is YES then congratulations 🎊 you don't need to do anything just enjoy your time. 

But if your answer is No, then listen 👂 carefully, you are a man, you have a good health that's all you can do anything what you want just you need to learn and look forward after all You are not a Tree you can move where you want. Just Move, that's the lesson. Never ever stop in your life, move.. Move.. And move faster. 

Hope you enjoyed this blog. Now you know the answer so just apply it in your daily lifestyle routine. Again a heartiest thank you for reading this. 
♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ 

Thank you

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